Turning PathFinder Upside-Down: Exploring FPGA Switch-Blocks by Negotiating Switch Presence
Published in FPL'21 (Best Paper Award), 2021
Abstract: Automated switch-block exploration gains in importance as technology scaling brings more emphasis on the physical constraints, making it insufficient to rely on abstract measures of routability alone. In this work, we take an approach that significantly differs from the previously used ones, relying mostly on general optimization methods: we essentially let the router itself design the switch-pattern. Of course, letting the router make arbitrary choices would be rather ineffective, as there would be nothing to prevent it from spreading routes over many different switches, making it difficult to understand if a particular one was used because it is essential for proper implementation of a given circuit, or simply due to some local, largely irrelevant decision. Instead, we change the method of node pricing in a negotiated congestion router, by applying the same principles in the opposite direction, to make it reach a consensus on switches that are worthy of being included in the final switch-pattern. With this, we obtained a pattern that outperforms the one reached through simulated annealing optimization by 10.7% in terms of average routed critical path delay and uses less than half the number of switches, without compromising routability.
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